Monday, August 20, 2012

Weird, but True...

Here's a special post to hold you over 'til I get back to regular posting...

These gems were found on good ol' Ravelry.
Hope they give you a chuckle like they did for me!

Sara Sach has lots of patterns for her little doggies.
My little doggie would NOT be happy dressed in any of this stuff. Sorry Sara.

Any of you trying to grow out that 'stache.. and sideburns, but need a little help getting there?
Louis Mensinger to the rescue!

Or you can hit up Salena Baca for the full beard!

Jody Hollenbeck has a pattern out there that would be great for a chilly walk home from the pub! Think it would draw much attention??!

There are A LOT more weird things out there- these are the ones that I had saved from a while back. If you are in the market for something strange- let me know and I'll see what I can find! As you can tell from some of these pics, anything is possible!

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